Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 10, 2016

Rose tea - Health effects

1. It Clears Various Toxins

If you want to remove various toxins and help your kidneys and bladder, then rose tea is a drink that you should include in your daily diet.
Not only will it help your body to cleanse itself but it will prevent infections. How? Well, according to recent studies, those drinking tea had a much lower chance of developing various urinary tract infections.

2. It Relieves Menstrual Pain

It’s as if the menstrual cycle always has a tendency to start at the most inconvenient time, making it harder for you to work and concentrate. Thankfully, women drinking rose bud tea tend to experience less cramps than those that do not.
According to a research paper published in the “Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health”, after around 3-6 months of drinking rose tea, the women studied also saw a decrease in psychological stress related to period cramps.

3. Helps to Fight the Depression and Improves Nervous System

Another great benefit of rose tea? Improved ability to handle stressful situations and an increased sense of inner peace.
As research has shown, those who drink this tea regularly, are less likely to suffer from all kinds of nervous system disorders, including: insomnia, chronic fatigue, nervousness, depression, anxiety and even compulsive disorders. In addition to that, rose tea is also known to be a mild sedative.

4. Fights Infections and Bacteria

Thanks to a lot of vitamin C, healthy compounds and various antioxidants, rose tea is known to help your immune system by fighting and killing various bacteria and infections.
Just a cup (or two) of tea every day significantly reduces one’s susceptibility to catching an infection or nasty bacteria that could make you sick for quite some time. However, if you do catch something, drinking rose tea will relieve the symptoms and make the whole healing process much faster.

5. Cleans Gall Bladder and Liver

As you’ve read in our first paragraph, rose tea is amazing when it comes to removing toxins from your kidney and urinary tract. However, these are not the only toxins that this mild beverage eliminates.
Rose tea is known to be a gentle laxative, so in addition to an increase in bile production, it will also speed up the overall toxin removal process and prevent some liver problems in the future.

6. Makes Your Stomach and Intestines Happy

Rose hips are perfect for those suffering from various stomach disorders. Recently published studies have shown that people suffering from conditions like stomach spasms, ulcers, stomach acid deficiency, and general irritation experience a significant reduction in symptoms when consuming rose bud tea.
Furthermore, rose buds are also used to treat diarrhea, kidney disorders, constipation, and other intestinal disorders.

7. Helps with Runny Nose and Improves Breathing

Having a stuffed nose is the worst, especially when you are trying to fall asleep and just can’t seem to breathe properly.
The solution? Try drinking rose bud tea throughout the day, which has been shown to help with a runny nose and improve one’s breathing, so you too can enjoy the amazing aromas of fresh morning air or rain.

8. It’s Caffeine Free

Good news for those who already drink coffee or a lot of strong tea, as dried rose buds have no caffeine, which means that your pH levels will remain the same and that you can enjoy a fresh cup of this delicious beverage even if you have developed a caffeine sensitivity or some problems with your stomach.
Also, it won’t cause any addiction because as you know, caffeine can be addictive.

9. Clears Acne and Moisturises Skin

If your skin is prone to acne then consider yourself lucky for finding this post.
There is a reason why a lot of facial products include rose extract or why anti-acne creams and cleaners also tend to favor this miraculous flower. In fact, due to its anti-bacterial properties and essential oils, rose water has been used for ages to help in treating acne and refreshing your skin.

10. Has a Lot of Vitamin C

Not a fan of lime juice or simply want to boost your health? Rose tea is a great (and natural) way to get a lot of vitamin C, which (as you might know) has tons of benefits.
Want healthier hair? Drink rose tea. Better immune system? A cup of tea for you. How about a decreased rate of aging and more antioxidants to help fight toxins? Yep, rose tea will do all of that!
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